Pledging Allegiance to the Band One Last Time*


Sunday, May 14th, 2017 was my final day at School of Rock, and like most of the original cast-members before me, I have finally graduated from "Horace Green Prep". I've had the most amazing time being a part of Broadway's School of Rock and I'm grateful to everyone that helped me along the way. From rehearsals at New 42 to meeting Andrew Lloyd Webber, Laurence Connor, JoAnn Hunter, Ethan Popp and Glenn Slater -- to the Tony Awards, Good Morning America, the Thanksgiving Day parade, Stevie Nicks, Barbra Streisand and much more, it has been an incredible dream I've lived for 20+ months. Special thanks to four of my mentors, David Ruttura, Patrick O'Neill, Lulu Lloyd and Darren Ledbetter from whom I have learned so much about music, acting and dancing. I have made a lifelong family. Here are some photos and video clips from our closing bows and celebration afterward. Enjoy! Keep checking my website and social pages for what's next for me. Until then ... #rockon!

* quote from Kate Egan


Tunes in Times Square


Heifetz Institute PEG Program